Millions or i can say billions of people using smartphone and from those billions millions are using Android Smartphone. am i wright or wrong ??
yes, we are using it in our day to day life from our simple work to many complicated work also. like for simple work like set alarm or reminders so we don't forget our work.and for complicated work like find way to reach at any destination or send mail etc.these smartphone consist of many things like ram, Rom, Processor , Camera etc. but how many of you know how exactly or how efficiently that parts works.

The app check the performance of your smartphone and give result on the basis of their performance.AnTuTu Benchmark is Android Benchmarking tool.
AnTuTu Benchmark can run a full test of a key project, through the "Memory Performance","CPU Integer Performance","CPU Floating point Performance","2D 3D Graphics Performance","SD card reading/writing speed","Database IO" performance testing on the mobile phone Performance of the hardware to make score.
In reaching the overall and individual scores of the hardware, to judge by the scores of the performance of the hardware. Uploading scores and view your device in the world rankings, allowing points to let you know the level of hardware performance now don't wait just download the app and check performance of your smartphone..
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