17 May 2012

Writing a blog that people want to read is unlike any other type of writing. Your writing style and tone play a significant part in attracting visitors and encouraging them to click around and read more of your blog posts as well as to come back again.

Blog writing doesn't require you to follow every grammar rule and allows flexibility so you can communicate with your readers in a way they'll understand and respond to. However, there are some simple tricks you can use in your writing to improve it for an audience who likes to read online content, particularly blog content.
Following are five easy ways to write better blog posts so people want to read more of your content and come back again and again.

1. Start with Your Most Important Point
Don't waste a reader's time with a lengthy introduction. Instead, get right to the point and communicate your most important message first. In other words, write like a journalist by leading strong and ending with the least important details. That way, if a person only reads the first paragraph (or first sentence) he'll have enough vital information to understand the basic story and to decide if he wants to keep reading.

2. Write for Your Audience
Who is your target audience? Who do you want to read your blog? That's who you should be writing blog posts for. If a blog post wouldn't be meaningful, useful, educational, or entertaining to your audience, publish something else that they would find value in. If you're not meeting their wants and needs through your content, they won't want to stick around, come back, or tell anyone else about your blog. In other words, write like a copywriter and write for your audience.

3. Be Brief

Blog posts should be succinct. Most blog readers don't want to read lengthy posts, so keep your post length to a manageable amount for people to digest in just a few minutes. Review the secrets of blog post length, so you focus on creating content that matches your audience's expectations and preferences. This applies to your overall blog post length as well as to paragraph length. Long blocks of text are overwhelming online, so use a lot of short paragraphs, headings, and bulleted lists.

4. Stay Focused

What is your blog topic? Stick to it. If your writing veers off in too many directions, visitors won't know what to expect from you. They're coming to your blog to read about a specific topic. If you change topics every day or in each post, they won't want to try to weed through the clutter to find the posts that interest them. Therefore, it's critical that you stay focused on your topic in your blog post content.

5. Simplify Your Writing
Most blog readers expect content to be quick and easy to read. They're not looking for research papers, so write in a personable style and use words that match a young reading level. Writing at a fourth grade reading level might seem shocking,Take some time to consider your blog topic, your target audience, and your goals, and then write at a reading level that matches. Keep in mind, this trick depends very much on your blog topic and target audience. For example, the writing in a blog about neuroscience with a target audience of PhD students would need to match the expectations of that audience.

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