Hello Frendz Today i am taking about Top 10 apps of android smartphone.
It is really amazing and needed for all Android Users Cheak This out.......
1.Dolphin Browser
Dolphin Browser for Android is Awesome! There are some features and user experience enhancements offered over the default Android web browser such as; Multi-touch Pinch Zoom like iPhone (*for Android OS 2.0+ phones like the DROID), preconfigured as well as user configurable Gestures (i.e. draw “Z” shape on the screen to close a tab), Tabbed Browsing, Saving Cache to SD Card, easily delete cache and history by holding the Back button, download YouTube videos, mark as Read it Later, Share Page options, and Themes.

2. Facebook for Android
Facebook for Android is lacking in features compared to Facebook itself, but a recent update added Inbox support to the Android app, finally allowing its users to communicate in almost real time. The app's fast and stable, with a simplicity that reminds you of the old days when using Facebook used to be bearable.

3. ASTRO File Manager
ASTRO is nothing more than a Windows-style file explorer, but if you're into tinkering and directly installing Android APK files yourself, it's essential to stick something like this on your phone. It makes your phone feel like a computer, and makes you feel like you're in charge of it.
UPDATE: ASTRO still exists as a free ad-supported app, but you'll have to pay for the full version without ads. Our new favourite file explorer app is listed below.

4. UK Jobs
Hey, times are hard and you've got to pay for your oppressive monthly mobile phone contract somehow. Offering a fully searchable database of current UK job vacancies, UK Jobs, which pulls in its data from independent employment site is, a slightly cumbersome but useful and non-governmental tool.

Yelp gives you a similar option to Google's wide range of social place reviews, only here you also get an augmented reality screen display, so you can point it at the skyline and see what five-star eating establishments are in the area. Places are backed up by user reviews, too, making it easy to get an up to date opinion on how generous a particular cafe is with the chips.

6.Ripple Lock
Ripple Lock has plenty of setting options: font color, font size, background,
and so on.
Drag the inside circle to the outside circle can unlock screen.
This program will continuously update and add more colorful lock screen
Only use one button, you can choose to use this ripple lock screen or system default screen.

7.Alarm Clock Plus
quite simply, the best alarm clock I’ve ever used
–including physical alarm clocks of the digital, analog, and wind-up varieties." -Lincoln Spector PCWorld Magazine Alarm Clock Plus features include:
-Unlimited alarms-alarm clock while muted
-auto snooze alarm clock
-auto dismiss alarm clock
-MATH ALARM CLOCK (require math problem to be solved to dismiss or snooze alarm clock)
8. Swype
The odd line-drawing alternate keyboard Swype is a love-it or hate-it kind of thing, with the significant amount of re-learning required to make the most of it quite offputting to some users. Once you're familiar with the idea, though, it's genius - with advanced prediction options further speeding your line-typing. Swype is not available through the Android Market - the only way to install is is via a direct download from the maker.

9. Winamp
Yes, the same Winamp from a decade ago. It's had an Android app for some time, with recent updates adding support for iTunes, Mac syncing, plenty of music streaming options, new release lists and Shoutcast integration for radio support. It's a fine, free media player.

10. Google Goggles
A bit of a novelty, in that Google Goggles lets you take photos and have Google analyse them and come back with a search results page for what it thinks you're looking at. However, the app's main use is as a QR code reader, which lets you scan barcodes for quick access to apps and whatever data people choose to embed in the odd little data squares.

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